Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Review: Garnier Micellar Water has Arrived in Indonesia!

hoooo goshh...
when I've finallee written on this tab, I feel like, wher've you been?
my hiatus is so loooong, I mean this is my 2nd post in my entire 2016 for my foundation sake!!!

but anyway...

hello semuanyaaa,
dateng lagi ke blog ini sengaja mau ngebersihin sarang laba- laba yang udah mulai tebel nutupin dinding, it has been a year long without a particular beauty post, and the fact that I bravely validate my self as a beauty blogger (screw this)

hari ini, seneng banget bisa ngepost lagi dan spesial banget mau ngereview air terhitsss 2016, ahahhaha
yakkk the Stellar and the Most Powerful Water

GARNIER Micellar Cleansing Water
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