Sunday, October 11, 2015

Review: Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet - #2 Frambourjoise

It has been a while since the last post in this blog, and I really am shy to be back because now I officially be inconsistent blogger (if you permit me calling my self a blogger haha)

So today without any unimportant chit chat, I wanna tell you a short story why I eventually get up for my blog today, it because I got an email from one of my few readers that actually wanna ask something but she started everything with praising me, that she loves to read my blog and enjoy the things on my face haha. she just one and only person to be that kind as what I do to my own self :*


In this reviewing time, I bring you a bold and bright nuance as if I need a joy in this sometimes-obscure life... I don't really care what season it is to choose what I wear on my face, I just believe in


hahaha and its true, so I decide to pick this BOURJOIS ROUGE EDITION VELVET - #2 Frambourjoise

It's a bright-yet-dark reddish fuchsia, it so for you who wanna wear red but you think pink is damnly sophisticated for nowadays hahaha.

here's the first look...

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Hello my pageviewers...
What's up yo??
oh really, it has been a while since my last blog post , where have I been?? I've been super busy making money everywhere hahaha, lots of thought to write something down but I get no time to passionate enough to do some stuff in my blog (pssttt, I still do beauty stuff offline, like dooling up and makeup shopping and so on hihihu). But it's so okay because I'm here, I'm back and I'll share something sweet here in today.

So what's on my gallery today??
What poisonous little sweetie I bring in this post?

Yapp this is it....


Sunday, July 5, 2015


Hai semuaaa, akhirnya bisa nyentuh blog lagi setelah dihimpit berbagai macam urusan yang mengharuskanku meninggalkan dunia perblogan untuk sementara waktu, eeeiiiiitttsss jangan kawatir, sekalinya aku kembali, aku bawa postingan yang cukup menyegarkan loohh ??!!!!

Apasih yang seger seger di Bulan Ramadhan gini selain Es Degan??? ( =____= ), Yappppp tentunya postingan penuh warna yang kupersembahkan khusus buat pecinta Makeup Colorful yang bikinnya simpel banget :D :D :D

Yuhhuuuu dengan REVLON COLORSTAY EYELINER semua monokrom dalam hidupmu bakal luntur jadi cemerlang :*

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Hello Gorgeous Women!
After a while hiding in a long hiatus of blogging I finally am back to write and share about my thoughts in this stuff.

Dan kali ini bakal ngreview singkat aja tentang Makeup Base/Primer (fyi, ini buat digunakan sebelum pakai makeup agar makeup lebih nempel. awet, dan tahan lama) dari MakeOver Indonesia yang namanya HYDRATION SERUM. juga bakal aku bikinin Pros and Cons aja ya biar cepet n to the Point :D

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Latest Beauty Works, Plus Trik dan Akal-akal + List Produk

hi all , finally after a lot of battles with my own strength I can post this things up to my blog. My viewers who are just a few pretties need a thing more sparkling, so why don't I post something new and fresh? 

So today is all about tips and tricks from my latest work. I did a simple makeover that concern in natural beauty imperfection, to make it a little bit more perfect.

Who's ready???
 Baca sampai akhir yaaa, dan sama sama sharing !!!!

Victoria (Vivi) Nofrida Rame Bei


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Daftar Makeup Terjangkau Bagi Pemula versi Shinta

Hello sisters (kapan nikah ama brother? Hahaha)

Kali ini aku bakal buat sebuah post spesial buat pemula dunia permekapan, dimana kalian wahai temen – temenku yang suhu bisa kok skip post ini, atau ayuuk bantu nambahi referensi hehehehe...

Pada kesempatan ini Shinta bakal ngasih liat beberapa daftar makeup yang menurut aku sang mantan mahasiswa cocok banget buat kalian lagi ingin memulai dan dengan harga rasional buat awal awal. Hmmmm, kecuali yang borju banget kayaknya post ini bisa kurang efektif hehehehe

Oyaa, post ini juga usulan dari si Cantik Anggun owner nya IG: daffahijab


Udah lah, cuuusss dulu, kali ini aku bakal mulai dengan.....

Monday, April 27, 2015

Journey Kelulusan as Shinta Laura Dewani, S.E.

Hi there, lama banget gak ngepost karena sindrom malas after fighting buat lulus. kali ini cuman mau mengabadikan cerita aja di blog... yap cerita aku lulus dari Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya :D

segalanya dimulai dari,

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Create Your Own Definitely-You Wedding with Bridestory

Beautiful Readers,
Lots of thing come out from our mind when it comes to the wedding idea, I mean, of course...
So many idea and fantasy, but in the end most of the people always back to the most ancient concept, yeahh the plain one.
Yah sure we can use the classic themes in our blessing ceremony, but for the reception, we can do explore the idea with the most interesting and memorable thing...

So, Let's play!!!

But, How to play and build up that difficult idea? who provide that????
Yappppp, BRIDESTORY !!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

First Impression Review : NYX Matte Finish Long Lasting Setting Spray

Hi Pretty ladies,
get with me again and today I wanna present the first first-impression review in this year ahhaa,
it is my fav travel-friendly face spray that really suitable for my current obsession of flawless look in all day.
So yap, this is it,


and this review is going to be in pros and cons style, so it definitely eases you to take the last conclusion :D

So here they are...

Friday, March 13, 2015

(SuperLate) Review : Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte in 82 & 83

Hello everyone...
Masih inget gak sama aku???? hahahah
setelah ngebut di berbagai urusan kampus akhirnya sekarang udah resmi juga jadi Sarjana (minus Wisuda tanggal 29 Maret ntar)
karena waktu yang sangat tanggung dan masih bisa ngejar nyelesain Sarjana Ekonomi di 3.5 tahun, jadi aku milih fokus ke urusan pendidikan dulu, nah inilah alasan utama kenapa blog ini nganggur hampir mau 1.5 bUlan wkwkwk...

Di masa - masa pengangguran seperti ini, setelah lama gak ngeblog ternyata tetep banyak malesnya, udah PW di comfort zone  sehingga diri ini kerjaannya cuma makan tidur ngampus, say Hi ke strangers gak jelas alhasil tubuhpun menjadi tambah berat massa jenisnya hahaha...

Duhhh, sorry kebanyakan intermezzo. Maklum lama hengkang dari dunia curhat via cyber :')

YESSS, pada kesematan yang bersemangat ini, aku pengen ngasih review (lagi dan lagi) mengenai lipstik yang kubeli udah lama banget dan beberapa hari lalu aku repurchase lagi. Keseringan lihat Lipen yang hits dan mehong bikin aku lupa ama lipstik lokal yang kece satu ini. Eh pas kemarin ngutak atik makeu box yang di rumah nemu ini n jatuh cinta lagi.....

Apa sih - apa sihh????



click to enlarge

Thursday, March 5, 2015

THE BRIDESTORY - The Gladden Story from Today's Bride

When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody,
You want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

Nora Ephron


Setiap orang memiliki kisah cinta yang berbeda - beda, namun dapat dipastikan setiap orang memiliki mimpi yang sama dalam cinta, Menikah.
Membayangkan pernikahan yang unforgettable dan ajaib pun kadang gak perlu ketika kita sudah memiliki pasangan...
hmmm apalagi untuk mereka yang sudah memiliki pasangan dan sudah memantabkan hati untuk melanjutkan ke satu langkah lebih depan dalam hubungan yakni menikah, pasti keinginan untuk mulai menata pernikahan yang paling sempurna semakin menjadi jadi.
Lalu, untuk kalian yang sedang dalam masa - masa engaged , apakah sudah mengatur semua persiapan dengan tepat?
hmmm, jangan - jangan masih pakai cara yang lama ??

Sekarang gak perlu dong travel sana sini untuk mencari vendor - vendor pernikahan yang tepat... pasti bakal menguras tenaga, waktu, dan biaya, apalagi kalau diluar ini kalian masih ada urusan kerjaan yang juga gak kalah penting.

Ambil gadgetmu, dan mulai berpetualang ria di Bridestory !!!!
Apa sih

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

PRAY FOR SHINTA'S big target !!!!!

My blog's Fellas, I am so sorry for can't be able to update my blog content, still in a serious focus on my Bachelor's essay / thesis / skripsi whatsoever. I have a big target this month so I can't handle two things on my little hand at the same "wonderful" time.

please give me your best of prayer and wish me LUCK THIS MONTH

kiss and hug :*

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My Favorite Beauty Product in 2014

Hello there, it has been a while since the New Year euphoria and I think this is the best occassion for me to create this sort of post, what stuff become my most favorite in all around 2014. You wanna see??? Just read this till the end, I'll start from the .....

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