Hi Gorgeous! I'm so confuse to choose which one (or more) will be a really good choice for my MATTE LIPSTICK collection.
Jadi ceritanya agak setress tiap kali beli matte lipen selalu gak sip, ada yg salah tekstur, salah warna, sampek gak cocok di bibir agak keringku..
Please help me T.T !!!
So next month, I wanna buy one or more matte lipstick and these are the candidates:
1. NYX Matte Lipstick in Whipped Caviar
2. NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Milan or Antwerp or San Paulo
3. MAKE OVER Ultra Hi Matte Lipstick
4. Revlon Color Stay Suede Lipstick
5. Wardah Longlasting Lipstick
6. Your Choices.......
Is there any recommendations?
I want to get moisturizing matte lipstick with a sharp nude to pinkish or brownish color and yahh sure, with still affordable price...
Kasi tau aku yuukk, agak bingung ngejelasin nya yg jelas aku suka yg gk gitu kering banget n warnanya natural atau nude tapi masi keliatan n cocok buat kulit eksotisku -__-
I'm waiting for your precious responses girls....
Thankyou for take your time to read and help me... T.T
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