Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Review : SYOSS Airy Curl Cream for Wavy or Curly Hair

shinta is back hehehehe
and today I'm gonna reviewing the Hair product that becomes my favorite for my wavy or curly hair look. yapp this is it, SYOSS Airy Curl Cream. I own it while I look for the product that will help me get a fabulous curly hair without add some hair spray, I don't know, I just don't like the way hair spray works to hair hahaha...

so just go to the point, and....... let's start the review from....

Monday, March 24, 2014

Product I use and How to Create Natural Glow Face in My Version

So guys, Iam sorry for not list the product I use and how to get Natural Glow look in my previous post... hehehe, I just have my little spare time that way so I skip all the thing about this. But as I can see, several people want to know about the details of my makeup and how I applied it.. I create this special post to you guys...
Lets get started!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

IBB MakeUp Challenge March 2014 Ft Menard : Natural Glow

. . . . . take a breath . . . . .
oke guys, get with me again with the other happy atmosphere. Shinta is back with a very first moment to join Indonesian Beauty Blogger (IBB) MakeUp Challenge (MUC) in March 2014 that specially in their birthday occasion, present a very gorgeous MUC and this month featuring Menard Cosmetics one of the great beauty brand from wonderful country of Japan. and the other fabulous thing was the special prizes of their beauty product worth IDR 2.300.000 each for 2 Winners! VAAAAA VAAA VOOOOM!!! with  naturally make up look exactly Natural Glow, every beauty blogger has the chance to get that wonderful prizes and a special invitation for Facial at Menard Facial Salon... uhh la laaa... so interesting isn't it?
(go check for more info)

Friday, March 21, 2014

Beauty Addict = Bukan "Dandan" Biasa (Story)

Menjadi beauty addict itu hobbi yang paling menyenangkan sekalipun mahal kadang2... hmmm tapi kadang apa yang jadi alasan kita buat jadi beauty addict ato blogger dan sebagainya gak serta merta gitu aja bisa diiklasin orang lain bwakakaka...
Yahh, jadi orang yang cinta seni make up atau merias wajah kayak aku, kadang gak rela kalo orang cuma nganggepnya aku suka "dandan" aja, karena dandan dalam konsep ini cuma dikaitkan masalah gaya2an, buat ngecengin lawan jenis gitu halah, sama gak maximizing the brain power alias cantik doang yang dibawa kmana2... hmmm jelas enggak lah...

Hahaha, sebenernya postingan aku kali ini murni curhat, iya murni curhat, terserah siapa saja yang mau nanggepin. Hehehe... sebagai beauty blogger, wiihh enaknya mah udah pada tau lah buat kalian para beauty blogger juga, dan yang paling enak adalah punya komunitas yang se-passion, ngerti n pasti "menerima" kita. Hehehe... jauh juga kadang realita di kota ini, ehh lebih spesifik lagi, mmm kampus ini misal, ehh gak juga sih, misal kadang lingkungan ini, kadang cuma dianggep pinter dandan doang, sok kecantikan (emang cantik bwahahaha), dianggep ngabisin duit n kadang kayak diejek gak jelas... padahal iri kali yaa? Hahahaha

Padahal kecintaanku pada dunia beauty karena aku pingin banget menghargai diriku sebagai perempuan, menjaga dan mempercantik diri di usia 20an ini kayaknya udah bagus kok. Bukannya sebagai wanita kita dilihat dari kesabaran kita mencintai apa yang kita punya dengan merawatnya kan? Maka dari itu, segimanapun realita orang bilang tentang orang sepertiku, apa yang orang sepertiku punya pada kenyataannya lebih baik dari pada yang enggak, mungkiiiiin.

Oyaa, alasan utama aku mencintai dunia ini sebenarnya udah pernah aku ceritain ama ribuan orang yang nanya ke aku haha, yaitu, aku pengen ngelanjutin bakat seni rupa ku di masa muda dulu lewat sini rupa di wajah. Lohh gak usah ketawa, ini benar adanya. Hmmm... jadi aku terbilang baru sihh, pas februari tahun lalu aku mulai suka make up dan sadar ini adalah tempat aku menemukan kanvas dan cat terbaruku. Akhirnya emang karena bantuan bakat, aku cepet banget, cuma beauty stuff ku gak selengkap blogger2 lain kali yakk, gak bisa yg unik2 hehehe. Aku juga mencintai dunia ini karena buat membahagiakan diri ku sendiri, gak buat siapa2. Pacarku gak paham2 banget juga, gak ada yang kukecengin apalagi. Murni pengen nyenengin diri sendiri. Seneeeng baget pas mulai ngoles , sapuin brush, dan seterusnya, bahagiaku simpel banget walopun jarang2 bahagia juga, so apa salahku dengan tidak munafik aku bahagiain diri aku sendiri???

Oya banyak yang bilang kok suka dandan n beli warna2 makeup gitu sih? Emang buat kemana, kuliah mau pake gituan? Hahahaha, aku dah bilang yahh, yang pertama, aku pengen nyenengin aku dengan atau tanpa ada orang yang melihat atau mau tahu, jadi suka2 lah... dan kedua, jangan pernah meremehkan beauty addict atau beauty blogger yang smart, mereka justru tahu kapan saatnya makeup dan saatnya gak, kapan saatnya tipis, kapan saatnya tebel... hahaha... keliatan kan yang mana yang suka "dandan" biasa sama yang bener2 mencintai kecantikan seperti kami heheheh...

Satu lagi, ini bukan tentang hobi dandan gitu aja lohh yg kadang dianggep gak jelas hmmm, aku juga tetep melakukan treatment buat otakku... gak percaya? Yukk ikut kuliahku dan liat aku serius juga... lumayan serius kalo dosen lagi killer aja.. haha enggak, aku bener2 menjunjung tinggi ilmu, percaya diri bisa didapat pertama dari sana, n btw

What is beauty without brain? 
But one thing need to be learned is " simple and plain with book then smart is just so. but a stylish, beautiful, sophisticated then Smart is the truly  the meaning of COOL... ;) "#wink

Thanks for reading.... maaf kalo kekritisan tidak jelas ini dapat mengganggu kehidupan anda hari2 kedepan hehehe...
Jangan lupa follow GFC sama Google+ ku juga yaaa

Foto ini warnanya memudar di semua akun produk Google, terlalu marah ini pasti

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Happy 4th Anniversary, My Lover :)

Hmmm, bahkan aku gak punya bahan apapun buat dipos. Aku gak punya foto kamu juga. Ada sih, tapi rusak gak bisa diupload.... haha
Intinya sebenernya aku gak mau sih ngucapin selamat, scara apa sih sebenernya yang bisa dibanggakan pacaran lama? Hehe romantis udah enggak, mau gandengan ntar disangka anak muda aja (sok tua)
Jadi pada kesempatan ini cuma mau ngasih doa, semoga kamu sehat, bahagia, tambah rejeki buat bisa ngurus aku dengan baik.
Pertahankan apa yang sudah jadi prinsip saat ini, tetap positif, gak usah ngurus apa yg dipikir orang lain.
Kita udah gak punya waktu buat ngebenci orang lain, bukannya kita lagi sibuk buat saling mencintai yah :')

Untuk ucapan makasihnya, aku udah tulis itu di Instagram, baca yaa...

Udah ah bingung, intinya semoga di hari hari yang akan datang, kita bakal lebih siap, dan lebih siap lagi :)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Makeup Collab : Can't Remember to Forget You (Rihanna)

in this special day (goes to my anniversary), I wanna post something so special as well hehehe
yaap this is my very first MAKEUP COLLABORATION, and this precious moment I eventually share with a very gorgeous Indonesian Beauty Blogger +Dhana Xaviera , hmmm she's so brilliant to catch me be her partner by the way hahaha...

so, you guys definitely love Shakira's music video in the song "Can't Remember to Forget You" featuring Rihanna right? and this is the makeup inspired by the artists and we really want to try their makeup look, and with all of the imperfection that we have (maybe just me), we still proudly present thisss....

Thursday, March 13, 2014

FOTD : What's the Look that You Describe as Natural ?

Yess, I again started my day today with Natural makeup, or even No-Makeup look. 
Yaahh, sometimes, the most expensive look was when you show your own face in natural, hm do you agree? Hahaha

So yeaah this is my look today, without eyeliner or even false lashes..

Yaahhh, I describe and claim this as my own face! Hahaha

So these,  the steps and products I use to get this look:

1. Apply your toner, I used Wardah Hidrating Toner for Normal to Dry

2. Then use the face serum, I used POND'S Flawless White Ultra Luminous Serum

3. Moisturizer, again I used POND'S Flawless White Day Cream

4. Foundie time... I choose Dream Matte Mouse Foundation from Maybelline NY

5. Create brows, Glow Shading, and basic blush, I used Brown Eyeshadow for brows from Mirabella, glow shading and basic blush with La Tulipe Blush On no 09

6. Secure carefully with face powder to make Iit natural, I used Mark Venus Powder in Natural Beige no 2

7. For eyes, just simple, I applied eyeshadow base from La Tulipe, then I put my La Tulipe Blush On number 09 sheer just to make my eyes a little bit glowing but not excessive.

8. Finish everything with slowly apllying two way cake, I choose Wardah Luminous TWC in Light Ivory

9. Create semi Gradient Lips with apply Full in bottom lip and create gradient in upper lip. Yaahhh, my fav look, I choose Mirabella Colorfix Matte Lipstick in no 67

Yaahhh, that was my step today to get the look, I do feel comfy with this, hope you guys Enjoy this look and feel Iinspired too hahaha...
Please leave me a comment, to make me feel better...

Thanks for visit, hope you always haapy and blessed. Don't forget to follow my blog and Google+, just click their button down below.

Love you guys, see you until I see you ♥♡♥

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Review : Oriflame Beauty Kohl Pencil Eyeliner in Black

hi guysssssssssssss, finally touch this blog, start to write, but yeaah, please don't leave me just because I post again and again about product review!!! I really have no more spare time for blogging, beacause all the task and activity in collage or other. So hmmm, this is the product that I prepared to be reviewed, Eye Cosmetic from Ofiflame Sweden, yaahh this is eyeliner again but in the Kohl Pencil, curious? let's we start!!!!

as usual, I will review this start from...

1. Packaging Appearance

so simple, just like the other kohl pencil in black. the common black pencil with the cap and glossy package. still safely placed everywhere because the strong pencil and cap. not really cute or special, but not bad for me personally.

2. Texture of the Pencil
huuuuu, really smooth and feel creamy but not really brittle, yet, I guess it's better when you do the sharpening you have to do it carefully because that creamy texture. when it comes to my eyes, I feel it stick so well and not sickening, really love love love the texture from this eyeliner pencil.

3. Performance Result
Good is the one quick word that I will firstly use to describe this product. pigmented, soft, and long lasting. I can rely this product into my eyes more than liquid eyeliner. I use it for my top and bottom eye line sometimes, and I feel satisfied. about how long it last on my eyes, I think still depend on my eye condition and my activity. I use it all day long, and still remain on my eyes although I already wash my face with water, and yaah it still stuck in my eyes neatly :), so will you wanna try???

4. Price
it has a normal price in IDR 49.000 or about USD 4 to 5, still affordable for me and even you can wait a lot of discount from this brand... haha

REPURCHASE?  Maybe Yes, it's good

RATE ♥♥♥♥♥/5

1. Simple packaging
2. soft creamy but not really brittle texture!
3. GOOD performance
4. Affordable price :)

so guys, that's all the review of this Oriflame Beauty Kohl Pencil, hope you always stay to read all of my update or popular post, don't forget to leave the comments down below for more product talk, also follow my blog's GFC and Google+ in the button below, have a nice nice nice day!!!

the pictures....

the packaging

the pencil texture and swatch in dry condition

in the wet condition

eyes using the Oriflame Beauty Kohl Pencil Eyeliner

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Review : Lucido-L Hair Vitamin Spray for Normal Hair (Pink)

huhh, finally blogging again in this not-so-sweet afternoon. so yaah my gorgeous reader... let me tell you what is the kinda thing that I wanna share. And again, I will give you product review, yaah again hahaha, but don't worry, because today Im gonna explain about Hair treatment that i really love to use every single time after I washed my hair hihihi... yap that is actually from Japan brand but know available here in Indonesia manufactured by Mandom, yaahh, sure that you guys from here know about this company....

yap yap yap... very long overview.. so lets start the review from...

1. Packaging Appearance
hmmm, pink is color of this product for the normal hair series... and it seem like a bulgig tube with a pump on the top. still interesting and girly. in the back, you'll find a full of product detail. for the completer shape, you guys can check the image in the bottom. Oyaa, this is also available in three different series for normal, dry and oily hair, the other was in yellow and orage, but I don't remember each color for each series LOL.

2. The Vitamins Description
It's like a water, I also meant that this is not colored, not sticky and oily. contain the floral aromatics and doesn't need to be rinsed. Im not one of the floral aromatics enthusiast but the smell still good in my nose. haha. over all, I can accept and good with this vitamin.

3. Performance Result
I can say a lot of story here because I still not really good to oversee my hair after this treatment. I just feel so dry in the first use until I thought that maybe I buy the wrong series, but in the middle of use, I get my hair more shiny and healthy. i also get my hair softer and smoother after use this for several time. and I can't describe more, please just see how's my hair now in the bottom image.

4. Price
for 200ml vitamin spray I spent about my IDR 30.000 or USD 3. I guess it worth it when I get this new hair look and condition. :)

REPURCHASE? Yes, I can rely my hair into it ;)

RATE ****/5

so guys, thankyou so much for read this review and dropping by. I hope I can give you more and more informative  infos about beauty and life next day. so thank you so much. and lets see the pictures bellow!!!!

the package appearance

details of this product, and when it sprayed

how to open and close

my hair after treatment

*don't forget to join this blog in my GFC below also follow my Google+. feel free to ask me follow you back. :D

Friday, March 7, 2014

How To : Small Messy Curly Hair with Hair Braids

Yesss, come back again today to start my blogging world... hellow all...morning!!
Yap today with the title above I meant to give you an How To for hair... it so simple, but I can't force all of you guys for like this style because I still thinking that it actually not really succeed  to work on me bwahaha... but yeahhh, lets take your time for blogreading here haha

So this is an extremely easy way to get more messy look in a small curl, and I just do it very simple before night sleep and in the morning you will get this look. This is free from heater and the other hair tools. I just use my Airy Curl Cream and do the braiding and let it work itself.  :D

So, I do it with these steps... and this is for a before-go-to-bed hairdo

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Review : Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse Foundation in Natural Beige

hi my gorgeous readers... i'm so sorry for not post anything in the past several days because a lot of problem and business that I have to face. And today I want to fulfill my duties to write on my blog and give you my newest informative content about the gorgeous product from Maybelline New York. this is one of the Foundation series from Maybelline that a little bit different from the other foundie. yaappp the foundie with a mousse feel. wakakaka... it soo unique although the other brand actually released this kinda thing as well.

so lets move to the main topic!
i will review this product start from...

1. Packaging Appearance
hmmm, it was like an ointment package in the past, but with an asymmetrically symmetric shape and I do love this shape. I love the light brown color and the matte feel. Not so elegant but so fun and really wearable for youth!

2. The Texture
Matte Mousse Foundation, definitely has the matte texture, like a mousse but also like a whipped cream, maybe it almost same with Revlon whipped cream. This is rather rough when still in the package, but really soft after blended. Has a light matte texture , medium coverage, and easy to blend with fingers. This one not oily and even good for oily face. maybe it doesn't really nice for dry skin but for me who have normal to dry skin, it still look so nice. I recommend this tips, don't use it to much on your certain part of your face, it will aglomerate in a certain place and look so thick and not blended well.

3. Performance Result!
Yesss, this is one of my favorite foundie ever. I use it in the morning and with a lot of  activities and even watered, this foundie still look so nice and more natural in the afternoon. Va Va Voom... isn't that really gorgeous? haha, I have no breakout or any other serious problem after using it, just adjustment in my face for a new product so I find a very small pimple in the hidden area haha.. but don't worry, just use your mainstay serum and everything will good again.
Oya, talk about the shade, I use the Natural Beige Medium 2.5 which is also the darkest shade in Indonesia, actually,  I want to get more exotics look is my face but this shade still look natural and even brightens my face despite it darker than my face shade when still in the package.

4. Price
you can get it in so many stores in Indonesia with IDR 90.000 or USD 8. still affordable right?

Repurchase? Yes. as long as I don't want to find the another unique and cool foundie. hihihi

RATE *****/5

so the conclusions are:
1. This product has a fun package
2. Matte texture and suitable for oily skin, for dry skin choose the liquid one
3. long lasting, get longer get more natural, definitely better
4. Affordable price and easy to find

*don't forget to follow my GFC and Google+ to keep contact, feel free to ask me follow you back...
thankyou for visit guys... :)

the new package and still sealed
thickness of the product (hands on)

texture and the look
before and after using this foundie

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Welcome March! Here my Newest Wishlists

So, did you ever think that the the busiest month all year round finally come to you today... ? or even yesterday... ?
Yaap, that is my problem now... wahaha, March, is the month of a lot of birthdays, a lot of agenda, even our anniversary,  but you have to know that maybe I don't have a lot of money, they still in the same amount .. so that's why I call it problem hwakaka.
But every barrier that comes to your day, you definitely get something or several thing to be desired right? Haha, that sentence at least really has the strong relation with my major at collage. So in this poor condition,  I still wanna start this painful post about my holy wishlists. And sure in beauty product in this case ...

FYI, I buy all the product by my own self, I never get my parents in to my beauty business heemmm... that's why the colleger like me still think twice or more for buy a beauty product. And you have to know again that I get monthly money not from my parents mostly, but I get it from being one of gorgeous student in the country so I get the cool scholarship (wakakaka, don't even  transfer it to your mind), but yess, I use it just for my daily life and all my other expenditures payed by my savings and my business. Yaah I'm a beginner entrepreneur,  and still wanna be huger.
So here they are...
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